Sunday, August 17

Fear of Changes

This is something I found out among the many, many articles on the web. Sadly, I couldn't find the name of the author, but I'm sure that they won't mind.


"Sometimes a person is their own worst enemy.
The girl who fears change because she thinks she knows when she does, her 'friends' will all desert her. The person who has he heart of a lion, hides in the guise of a rat, to keep the spotlight of stares off their own back.
People who don't aspire to anything, or so they say, do jus that; They aspire to hide from those parts of themselves and those around them they think they cannot possibly embrace.

I have walked both paths, feeling at times only hatred and laziness, knowing without a doubt that love was a myth and kind deeds a weakness. Until those days a certain person touches me or a certain thing happens and then I see only where my heart lies, among the fields and meadows, next to my friends, next to my only lover's heart.
I find myself, everywhere, not inside, not outside, but in both places and in everyone I meet.
People may act as if some kinds of normal aren't normal. Not to them I believe, but to the person who believes that they are very normal. Normal isn't being a carbon copy, and those people who say 'be different!' would very much do well to listen to themselves!
Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus and Oprah can, bluntly, fuck off. Not everyone has a million dollars to endorse their claims. Nor the freedom to put it on TV. Sometimes people need to turn the TV off, go outside and look up into a dark sky. The sky is never the same, so how can we be the same? People vary and change like the seasons, and what may be normal to a skinny person isn't the same to someone who is fluffed.
Certain people need to realize that sometimes the best changes are not a conscious choice at all. Most of the time, the best changes are those laid before us, the obstacles we face everyday morph us into who we should be.
And fearing change sets us into motion to change faster, and before you know it... you're either the lowliest scum, or you're the happiest person. My happiness isn't in money, I have often gone without it for months, surviving off of pittances from family and friends. But surrounding myself with loyal friends willing to do such for me when I run out of road... that they pave it for me... it makes me feel that I have the life I desire. And the one I love, when I hit a bump in the great road ahead of myself, he will always be there, no matter how far away or how much we think we hate each other at the moment.
Changes are not what we see. They are what we know to be true. Change is inevitable at best, impossible some times, and painful, always, even good changes. But that doesn't mean they're bad.
You can go through hell, but what does it matter if the experience you recount is happy, or a foreboding story to be retold? Even if you end up a lowly gangster, you have homies, and even then, when you're hated most by the 'normal people', you know you've been through it all and you can laugh in their face when they hide from such experiences.
Walk both paths, for the world is not divided among 'light' and 'dark'. Good and evil belong only in fairytales and myths, blind faith and blind wandering belong in the hearts of those unfaithful to themselves. Being a person, being yourself, and knowing the world around you, no matter if they accept you or not, is going to be the best of what you make of it is, after all, what everyone should have as their goal. There will always be peaces where war ensues, blood and tears of joy, sweat and a cool breeze. But come what may, it is your choice to change the light bulb when it flickers on that page of your life - That the light may reveal to you things are not so gloomy after all... It only takes one hand and fives fingers to change it, but it takes a mind and a heart to see the truth! And if you would rather leave that bulb to flicker, kudos - Those willing to brave the darkness are rewarded for their trials in the glorious rays of moonlight after the clouds pass.
May no two paths be the same, and well wishes to those who wish it upon themselves. Sometimes losing your way is actually finding another, often one you thought you would or could never traverse. Have faith in yourself and your friends."

Unknown Author.