Tuesday, July 1


Felt a poem coming on while listening to Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. Something funny I remember saying to a friend about all the times I've felt a poem coming and then been disappointed and frustrated when I only managed to stare at a blank paper for two whole hours.

"Being a poet is much like having bowel problems. You know you have to use the bathroom. But once you're there on your stone throne, nothing comes until you leave... then you're even worse off."
Only Invisible

I don't want the world to see me.
You know that they won't understand.

Everyone only tells me how life's so great,
Yeah, my plans must be grand.

If every time I reach for the stars,
My steady hands just get swatted down.

If every time I reach for a heart,
My hand gets pushed away with his frown.

I start to wonder where did I go wrong.
I can only blame my failures on myself.

But as soon as I see I was right all along,
I can see all my memories crumbling on their shelf.

Is there a 'forward' to look to?
My past is in shambles.

I wish I was only invisible.
Maybe then I wouldn't have to listen to everyone around me ramble.

Oh, I wish I was only invisible.
So that I could float away.

I could be moving.
I could be ethereal.

I wish I was only invisible,
To become what I can't be.

I keep walking, I'll keep on a thousand paces more.
Until my feet are too tired.

I'll keep searching for a heart that doesn't reject.
Maybe I'll be baptised by fire.

I can only keep going until I find my stars.
Until I find my heart.

Then, I will only be invisible.
I'll be ready to fly far.

I'll only be invisible,
Except to hearts and hands that understand.

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